Forms & Policies

Forms & Policies

Medical Release Form

Required before you child will be allowed to participate in Kinetic Kids programs. Form must be completed fully and signed by your medical provider. Other camp or school physical forms are not acceptable. Medical Release Forms are valid for 12 months unless your child has a surgical procedure or hospitalization, at which point a new form must be completed. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

Atlantoaxial Instability Screening Form

Required for participants with Down Syndrome, this form must be signed by a doctor and only needs to be updated if your doctor indicates a change in your child’s atlantoaxial instability.  Other camp or school physical forms are not acceptable. Atlantoaxial Instability Screening Forms are valid for 12 months unless your child has a surgical procedure or hospitalization, at which point a new form must be completed.

Scholarship Applications

Scholarship requests must be completed through your registration account.
